These are the rules of our Holt. Follow these rules and everyone will be happy. Easy enough, alright? 1. No Pini characters. All the elves must be original and be copyrighted to you. 2. The limit is 3 characters per player. Sometimes if you have more, it can get confusing and too busy to keep up with all of them, hence the limit. 3. Relatives of your character that you may not wish to play can be put up as adoptables, but you have to provide a CIS for them. 4. Please, no High Ones. We are descendants of Timmain, but all of the High Ones are either dead or nowhere near our territory. No elf may have come in contact with a real, live High One. 5. No super-elves. Elves can have one magic each, aside from sending and animal-bonding. Although they don't have to have a magic. Magics that are not accepted are: Flesh-shaping Weather Shaping Hypnosis Anti-Healing 6. Recognitions will be chosen by me, the Chieftess, whenever I feel things are getting boring. In the case of a Recognition, I will contact you first to see if your character feels up to it. 7. If a conflict with another holt member occurs, keep it off of the group board. If it's holt-related, contact me. Do not flame. 8. Please, no chain letters posted in the holt board. 9. I do realize that members have a life outside the Internet. If for some reason you will not be able to participate for a period of time, contact me beforehand. 10. This is an email-based holt. Please provide me with a valid email address so I can contact you. Ale, please include your real first name with the CIS. 11. Fanart and fanfics are welcome and much appreciated. Send them to me and I will put them up on the holt's website. 12. If for some reason you need to use another person's character in a story or a drawing, make sure it's OK with the character's person first. Do not role-play another member's character unless they allow you to. 13. If you are inactive for a period of time and refuse to post or reply to my emails, I reserve the right to kick you out of the holt. 14. The holt may have situations that require people to be mature. There may be violent or sexual situations. Make sure you're mature enough for those things. If you don't like it, you don't have to join. 15. I, as the Chieftess, reserve the right to change, delete or add new rules at any time, or to remove a person that has not been following the rules.